Healthy Wrist


Principle : Keep your wrist straight during working.

_  Control the mouse by using your elbow as a pivot point , this technique can keep your wrist straight.
_  Choose the flat mouse rather than curved mouse since it can reduce wrist tension.
_ Hold the mouse slightly while moving it
_  Adjust your working desk so at your relax state, your mousing hand is just above your elbow level. Avoid stretching to the desk while using a mouse.
_ Consider using a adjustable mouse platform 

Cheap, reliable and reputable wrist rest can be found at Amazon Shop


Principle is still the same : Keep your wrist straight during working.

_ Place your keyboard slightly below the elbow since it can keep the wrist straight when typing.
_ Avoid “clawed hand” : that is, when your wrist are leaning extensively on the wrist rest or hard surface, the hands could be seen like “standing”. This position increase the tensions greatly on your wrist.
_ Adjust your keyboard height.
_ Keep your back straight when typing. Don’t slouch or leaning forward

Important note

_ Take a rest after 20-30 minutes working. Do some stretchs, standing up and walk around, take your eyes from the monitor and look at something far away for 1 minute is a good exercise.
Cheap, reliable and reputable wrist rest can be found at Amazon Shop

For more tips and advice on using wrist rest, take a glance at these links :

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